The Gloucester County Department of Health in collaboration with The Gloucester County YMCA is happy to invite you to Men’s Health Fair June 12th 8am-12pm at the Gloucester County YMCA!
Join us for Health Screenings, information and more.
Screenings provided:
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
(Gloucester County Department of Health)
Cancer Screenings (for eligible men) (Inspira and NJ CEED)
Classes on healthy food and drink choices offered by Inspira Hospital
Make use of the YMCA facility and join us for a chair aerobic class at 10:30 am or a water exercise class at 10:15am.
For more information contact the Gloucester County Department Health at 856-218-4106 or email, [email protected]
This event is free and open to all.
The Gloucester County YMCA is committed to protecting the children we serve. While we cannot eliminate all threats, we want to do what we can to ensure that the children in our care are safe. When entering the Y all members, participants and guests must have a valid picture ID which will be scanned through a national child abuse database. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access. We appreciate your cooperation.