The Gloucester County YMCA provides assistance to youth, adults and families based on individual needs and circumstances. Open Doors is a sliding fee scale that is designed to fit each qualifying individual’s financial situation. Applications are available at the Welcome Center.
Open Doors is made possible by the generous donations from our current Annual Campaign. If you would like to donate to our Open Doors Program through our Annual Campaign click here. Please note: With scholarship based on donations we may need to suspend funding due to lack of donation income.
With the commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, healthy living and fostering of social responsibility, the Gloucester County YMCA ensures that every individual has access to the essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive. Please visit our Welcome Center for an application.
(In-house registration only)
It’s said that, when you work out with a friend you will motivate each other and therefore become healthier! Current members, refer your friends to join the Y you both will receive a 20% discount on your membership as long as yoou both are members.
How do I get started?
To join the 20/20 Membership Program, the new joining member needs to identify the current Y member when signing up for membership and have a member benefit referral form completed. Or, both new members can join together.
How long will the discount last?
Your discount last as long as both members remain members.
Can I get multiple members to join?
Yes. However, you will still receive only the one 20% discount.
Will the 20/20 Membership Program rate ever increase?
20/20 Membership Program rate will only increase if future membership rates increase. The membership rate will reflect a 20% savings on whatever the current standard membership rate is.
Can a member leave and come back as another member’s friend and family member during the campaign?
You can be referred by a member as long as you have not been in the past 90 days.
Please note: Not valid for Silver Sneaker, Optum or Silver/Active and Fit memberships.
The Silver & Fit program is an exercise and healthy aging program providing unique, evidence-based fitness and health education activities for Medicare beneficiaries and group retirees. Silver & Fit members have access to (at no cost to them) memberships at participating. contracted fitness club or exercise center.
The YMCA is proud to participate in the Silver Sneakers® Fitness Program, the nation’s leading exercise program for older adults. More than just a gym membership, SilverSneakers participants are offered specialized exercise classes, health education and social programs that have been shown to help older adults maintain good health, reduce health care costs and lead an active, independent lifestyle.
With your Silver Sneaker membership, you will have Full Member access to our facility. Click here to see our classes designed specifically for older adults.
The Gloucester County YMCA is participating in a program available to New Jersey residents who are insured members covered under an AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company (UnitedHealthcare). The YMCA welcomes all who wish to participate and believes that no one should be denied access to the Y based on their inability to pay.
Talk to the front desk for details. Or call UnitedHealthcare at 1-866-275-5599 with additional questions.
The Gloucester County YMCA offers a Military membership to those who qualify. This is a six-month Household Membership. Contact Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 to see if you qualify.
Some insurance companies and HMOs will reimburse participants for partial or all membership fees. We will be happy to verify your membership but will not bill the insurance company for fees due. Check with your insurance carrier for details.
Contact Kelly Peoples to see if your company has a membership discount with the Gloucester County YMCA.
The Gloucester County YMCA is committed to protecting the children we serve. While we cannot eliminate all threats, we want to do what we can to ensure that the children in our care are safe. When entering the Y all members, participants and guests must have a valid picture ID which will be scanned through a national child abuse database. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access. We appreciate your cooperation.